How can I configure my email account on LiveMail/Outlook/MacOs?

You can configure your email account on the following applicationa:


 Mozilla Thunderbird®
 Windows Live Mail®
 Microsoft Outlook 2000® for Windows®
 Microsoft Outlook Express® for Windows®
 MacOS®® for “Pre Lion” (10.4+)
 MacOS®® for “Lion” (10.7+)
 iOS para iPhone/iPad/iPod y MacOS®® para Mountain Lion (10.8+)


These are the configuration parameters:

Secure Configuration SSL/TLS
 User Name:  nomeaccount@domain.ext
 Password:  Use the password of your email account.
 Ingoing Server:  domain.ext
  • Port IMAP:993
  • Port POP3:995
 Outgoing Server:  domain.ext
  • Port SMTP:465

 IMAP, POP3 and SMTP authentication is requiered.

Configuration without SSL
 Nombre de usuario:  nombredecuenta@dominio.ext
 User Name:  Use the password of your email account.
 Ingoing Server:  mail.domain.ext
  • Port IMAP:143
  • Port POP3:110
 Outgoing Server:  mail.dominio.ext
  • Port SMTP:25

 IMAP, POP3 and SMTP authentication is requiered.

For any doubt, we are at your disposal through the support of Oswap or via phone number 900 800 664.

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